The following page is intended to give you an overview of the categories of our currently offered silverware. Here you have the possibility to search for the criteria alphabetical designation, category, silversmiths (if available as a subcategory the pattern), artist / designer, time period. Alternatively, it is always possible to enter the search term in the search field to the right.
Since excellent silverware was produced throughout the ages, our silver inventory is further divided into the sections “Classics” and “Next Generation”.
The category “Classics” contains antique silver (silverware made prior to 1950, including patterns that were designed pre 1950 but were manufactured after 1950).
“Next Generation” includes modern silver (silverware designed and executed after 1950).
If you are looking for specific silver items without having concrete ideas about their design, you can also find inspiration in our product catalogue of sold objects. If you have found something you like, you have the possibility to press the button “SOLD. PLEASE NOTIFY ME.” and fill in the form. Then you will be notified in advance if we are able to offer an item that we believe could meet your expectations.